The Partner Schools got into contact on Etwinning in 2014 to start a KA2 application in 2015, Topic:
Migration. “Colours of Europe-Migration and its cultural effects”. It was funded from 2015-2017. We were all new Partners, except of the Italian Partner, the School has an Exchange Programme running for 25 years with the Gymnasium Bad Aibling. The cooperation worked so well and the pupils of all Schools were so excited and motivated with Erasmus+ that we decided to develop another Project.
Our Italian Partner has got a Project and cooperation running with a local Radio Station. That inspired us to do a Project with the media “Radio” in order to stay in contact, give the pupils opportunities to cooperate with a local Radio Station, learn about the professional Jobs and skills connected with Radio and promote the European ideals with introducing our cutural heritages as 2018 is the year of European cultural hertiage.
To prepare this Erasmus+ Project we started an Etwinning Project in september 2017 called “Europe Radio”. There are now 112 members in Twinspace creating profiles about each other so that we can get to know each other and then present our cultural heritages to each other with video clips,
interviews and photo stories. The results will be used at the beginning and then included in our Radio Shows/Websites.
“Europe on Air” should be funded because the pupils and teachers in Twinspace have already done preparation work to guarantee a good and exciting start off for the project. Furthermore the Partner Schools have already established connections to their local Radio stations that will be external
cooperators for the Project work: Radio Galaxy (Germany), Radio Gas (Italy), Gong Radio (Hungary), Radio Lezíria (Portugal), Radio RABSA13 (France), Medya Fm (Istanbul). The Radio stations will function as professionals that will give our students insight knowledge of the work done at a Radio Station. They will also put a link to our project website on their website and our pupils will
get a chance to create a broadcast on our project. So the Radio Stations, too, have a chance to internationalize. The willingness of Radio Stations to cooperate with schools increases.
Pupils can be highly motivated when working creatively and making use of their foreign languages.
With the various broadcasts they can eventually outlive their creativity with making use of digital integration, learn from new technologies and digital tools, see first hand at the local Radio Station that it is necessary in modern times to learn these digital skills and to cooperate in a team not just nationally but also internationally. Foreign languages will be used and pupils will learn about the
cultural features of our European Partners. Once we know about our heritage and our trations we learn to understand each other and can become friends within a united Europe. Pupils become aware of their EU citizenship and learn about European values like respect and democracy.